And doesn’t anybody ever know?
I’d need more than X-Ray to see Purdue
would knock me out the other league. F**k you!
My team? You’re asking how did that game go?
Screw you.. I’ll talk about “Not Football” though…
No, ass, mortgage is not the same as cash.
Sure, we can delay until December.
I just have projects piling up like trash.
Let’s pivot from this, film. about Justice.
Batman, Cyborg, Aqua Man and the Flash.
The villain was nothing to remember..
Stack of papers, bundled headline is read.
Makes me want to sing but whisper instead…
meanwhile a gap between center and guard.
…Ayee Ayee Ayee Superman’s Dead.
Hit was clean but man that was so damn hard.
Hopes for The Game were slim now all but gone.
Without Peters, OKorn we’re screwed. All done.
Brandon is out needs more than just stitches.
We’d need a miracle to see him play.
but we know that the world’s a subway.. AYEEEE
That’s iambic pentameter… bitches.*
*sort of.